The History of Over and Darnhall

Old Over

The village of Over, which has been recorded in the Domesday book, is steeped in royalty and history. The exact date of there being a tavern of the site has not been determined yet but we're researching it, what we do know is that locals have been enjoying a drink within its walls for a long time. Centuries.

Blue Bell Inn

Kings Henry III and Edward I occasionally held court at Darnhall, the latter king founded Vale Royal Abbey at Darnhall, but then moved it in 1277 to near Whitegate. By around 1280, a charter had been granted to form a new town near the Abbey, centred on the present-day Delamere Street in Winsford. From this charter can be traced the origins of the market that is still held in the town.

One of the most popular local stories is that St Chad's Church was originally built in Over Square, but the devil was so angry at the people's use of it that he decided to fly off with it. The monks at Vale Royal Abbey were said to have seen him and rung the abbey bells so that it was dropped at its current location. In fact, its location is probably due to it having always belonged, along with its tithes, to St Mary's Convent in Chester. This presumably convinced the Abbot to build the town far enough away from the Church in order to gain the tithes himself.

Winsford History Society

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